Special Thanks 2022

A great deal goes into making each Turning the Tide retreat such a memorable experience for participants. The following people and organizations donated goods and services toward the 2022 retreat. We thank them for their generosity and kindness. 

Basket full of fabric stars - Sally's stars


Donna Ardizzoni Photography

Angel’s Wings, Andrea Loughlin

Ron Barilone

Cheryl Barnes

Wanda Belyea

Sandi Berry

Carrie Braman, Frontier Maple Syrup

Blue Butterfield

Laura Booth and Melissa Tonachel

Cambridge Honey

Cambridge Naturals, Porter square

Cape Ann Olive Oil Co

Carson Converse for Marsha

Castaways Cafe, Leann Silva

Caterina Cavalini

Clare Converse for Marsha

Richard Curran, videographer

Dave’s Pasta

Tom Deignan

Dress Code, Barbara Keon

Equal Exchange, esp. Leah Madson

Evolve by Nature

Betsy and Patty Gates

Rita Goffaman

Debbie Heller

Jean Hermann

Iggy’s Bakery, Luca

Immunogen, Nicole Connelly

Immunogen, Courtney O’Konek

Dee Karnofsky

Mary Keefe

June Klippel

Robert Lyons for Marsha

Jean Mason

Bob Moment

Cole Morokhovich and Ashley

Kristin Mulvey

Betsy Neisner

Nesting, Inc, Concord, MA, Wendy

Rosemary O’Grady

Tim O’Shea

Mark Ostow

Ovations for the Cure, Susan Patterson

Pat’s Photos and Adventures, Pat Dalpiaz

Pemberton Nursery, Mark

Heidi Potter

John P. Pow Printing Company, Tom Finneran

Susan Ramey

Ro Rappa

Martha Ryan

Jane Sanders

Seven Seas Whale Watch, Laura Frontierro

Shore Nutrition, Fay Puopolo

Skillins Nursery

Stonewall Kitchens, John Striker

Sullivan Tire, Bob Sullivan

Sweats of New England, Noelle, Jack, and Jess

Tags Hardware, Cambridge, MA

Dick Tonachel

Emiko Tonachel

Lisa Tonachel


Yumiko Tonachel

Virgilio’s Grocery, Joe Virgilio

Wegmans, Medford, MA

When Pigs Fly Bakery, Jeannie Hodurski


Email Margaret

Email Christine

Email Anne

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