How It All Began
In July of 2005 Anne Tonachel was diagnosed with late-stage ovarian cancer and several years later attended Camp Mak-A-Dream in Montana. At that time, it was the only retreat in the country where women could meet with other women who were in various stages of active disease or remission.
On the long plane trip back to Boston, she committed herself to creating a similar experience for women living in New England. By 2012, with 30 women in attendance, the first Turning the Tide Ovarian Cancer Retreat was held at Camp Kieve in Nobleboro, ME.
While the retreat is only five days long, the effects are lasting. The bounty of spirit, generosity, and love that the women find in each other during their time together sustains them throughout the year. It is strengthened by zoom meetings moderated by TTT members which include sharing of challenges and achievements, current cancer issues, and occasional informational sessions with invited speakers.
Today, Turning the Tide Ovarian Cancer Retreats, Inc. is one of only a handful of organizations in the U.S., and the only one in New England that offers a yearly retreat that provides emotional support, counseling in self-advocacy, and education for women with ovarian cancer. Since 2012, TTT has created a safe, nurturing, and sustaining environment where women living with ovarian cancer are offered hope, comfort, friendship, and education. In 2018, TTT became incorporated as a 501C3 non-profit organization.
Turning-theTide Ovarian Retreat is a tax-exempt non-profit organization.