Special Thanks
A great deal goes into making each Turning the Tide retreat such a memorable experience for participants. The following people and organizations donated goods and services toward the 2024 retreat. We thank them for their generosity and kindness.
Angel’s Wings
Karen Ashland
Ron Barilone
Cheryl Barnes
Wanda Belyea
Kathryn Bianchi
Laura Booth and Melissa Tonachel
Blue Butterfield
Cape Ann Olive Oil Co
Cape Ann Whale Watch
Caterina Cavallini
The Cheese Iron
Pamela Cincotta
Claire Converse
Clogs of Cambridge
Karen Crowley
Richard Curran
John Carrigan
Dave’s Fresh Pasta
Tom Deignan
Design of Mine
Dermatology Ass. Of Concord
Equal Exchange
Catherine Erbe
Lyn Ferguson
Frontier Maple Sugarworks
Chris Herman
Jean Herman
Debbie Heller
Abby Harsh
Iggy’s Bread
Maki Itoh
Eva Kasell
Mary Keefe
Barbara Kickham
June Klippel
Debi LaRocca
Bonnie LeBlanc
Robert Lyons
Mersana Therapeutics
Kristen Mulvey
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
Rosemary O’Grady
Mark Ostow
Ovations for the Cure
Pemberton Farms Nursery
Stacey Pimentel – State of Serenity
Heidi Potter
John P. Pow Co., Inc.
Ginger Quarles
Ro Rappa
Ray Audrey
Kim Raymond
Martha Ryan
Seven Seas Whale Watch
Susan Sidiropoulos
Skillins Greenhouses
Susan Sternfeld
Stonewall Kitchens
Summer Shack
Sweats of New England
TAGS hardware
Emiko Tonachel
Lisa Tonachel
Taylor and Erika Tonachel
Yumiko Tonachel
Debra Vautour
When Pigs Fly
Dawn Yeames
All of our families who helped and carted and generally supported us all along the way, we love you!